When a tooth starts to hurt, many people can make an educated guess as to why. For instance, if your dentist has told you that you’re at risk for cavities, then you might guess that your tooth hurts because one has started to develop. However, not all toothaches are the same, and even if you might think you know why your tooth hurts, there may be one or more factors at play that you aren’t aware of. Today, we examine a few less common, but equally serious, reasons for teeth to hurt, and why you should schedule a professional dental examination as soon as yours start to. (more…)
How to Save a Tooth when It Breaks
While some oral health concerns can take a while before they become obvious, a broken tooth isn’t usually something that’s easy to ignore. In many cases, it’s the result of an emergency situation that involves accidental trauma to the tooth, and both the damage and discomfort are immediately noticeable. Like most forms of tooth damage, a broken tooth must be restored as soon as possible to avoid even more damage to the tooth’s healthy, natural structure. Fortunately, the right restorative treatment can help your tooth regain its strength and integrity, as well as preserve the tooth’s long-term health and integrity. (more…)
How Implants Give Replacement Teeth Better Support
There are many different factors to consider when it comes to rebuilding your smile after tooth loss. For example, the number of teeth you’ve lost will determine what type of restoration is best for replacing them. Also, the potential impact of the loss on your remaining healthy teeth may be significant enough to require additional treatment as part of your smile restoration. However, one factor that people don’t always consider is the quality of the support that their replacement teeth rely on. This can impact everything from the comfort and stability of your restoration to the long-term health and integrity of your dental ridges, which is one reason why dental implants are often preferred for supporting most types of replacement teeth. (more…)
Need Tooth Extraction? Don’t Take It Lightly
When your dentist tells you that a tooth needs to be extracted, it typically means the tooth has reached a point where saving it with another restorative treatment is no longer possible. Because of this, it can seem like there’s plenty of time to extract the tooth. However, the fact that the tooth can’t be saved doesn’t mean there’s no longer a pressing need to address the problem. Depending on the specific reason why you need tooth extraction, waiting much longer can put much of the rest of your oral health at risk, as well. (more…)
What Restoring Your Smile Could Mean
Smile restoration has come a long way over the years, and it remains an important part of many people’s lifetime oral health care. When a problem develops with one or more of your teeth, that problem might impact more than just the tooth’s health and integrity. Restoring your smile means thoroughly understanding the full impact of your condition and designing a treatment plan that helps you address it. Today, we look at what restoring your smile could mean if it experiences one of these common concerns, and what the right personalized treatment can help you accomplish. (more…)
How a Dental Crown Gives Your Tooth a Second Chance
One of the reasons why dental crowns are among the most popular restorative dental treatments is because they can work to address a wide range of different tooth concerns. Another reason is because, in many cases, the restoration can look as natural and lifelike as it performs, offering optimal discretion when restoring your smile. While a dental crown can do many things for your tooth, depending on what it’s needs are, the most important function it provides is giving your tooth a second chance. In cases of tooth damage that require a dental crown to address, the tooth in question is often close to being lost or needing extraction. (more…)
Things You Didn’t Know Tooth Loss Could Cause
For many people, the loss of a tooth is worrisome all by itself. Not only does it affect their smile’s appearance, but it can also disrupt their bite’s balance and change how their teeth feel when they bite, chew, and speak. However, there are many subsequent problems with your oral health that can result from the continuing consequences of tooth loss, and restoring your smile as soon as possible is the best way to address them. (more…)
Why Dental Implants Are Better at Replacing Lost Teeth
Not all tooth replacement options are the same. For some people, the best solution is to replace a lost tooth, or multiple adjacent teeth, with a custom-designed dental bridge. For others, the dispersed nature of their lost teeth means they’ll need a partial denture to successfully fill the gaps in their smiles. However, what many dental restorations share in common is a need for dental implants to more closely resemble the root can crown structures of your healthy teeth. Dental implants are often better at replacing lost teeth because the loss of the tooth’s is essential to restoring your smile. (more…)
How Obvious Is Your Dental Emergency?
Many people expect a dental emergency to be something dramatic and obvious, like accidental trauma to the tooth or a tooth being knocked out of its socket. Because of this expectation, many people fail to notice signs that their smiles are facing another type of emergency. When you don’t seek treatment for it promptly, the situation can become significantly worse, leading to the need for extensive treatment to fully restore your smile. Today, we explain a few times when your dental emergency isn’t so obvious, and what you can do to better protect your smile from such circumstances. (more…)
How High Is Your Risk of Tooth Loss?
When you take consistently good care of your oral health, including sticking to your daily hygiene schedule and regular dental checkup appointments, you have a much better chance of preserving all of your healthy, natural smile. However, even the most attentive hygiene and preventive dental care routines are no guarantee that you’ll continuously prevent oral health concerns from developing, including those that can often lead to tooth loss. Today, we explore how you can tell if you might be at a higher risk of tooth loss than you realize, and why it’s important to address the concern for the good of your smile and oral health. (more…)