Not all oral health concerns create highly noticeable impacts to your smile’s appearance. For instance, conditions like tooth decay and gum disease may not become visibly obvious until they’ve reached their more severe stages. However, when a tooth is damaged or its visible structure is compromised, the impact is often visible. One of the reasons why modern dental restorations are designed to be more lifelike in their appearance is to address this impact and restore your confidence in your smile. However, restorations that are designed to mimic your healthy, natural teeth more closely are often more beneficial to your teeth and oral health in several other, more important ways. (more…)
Why All Types of Tooth Damage Are Serious
With certain types of concerns with your teeth, the severity of the problem can be determined by how much of your tooth structure is affected by it. For example, a tooth that has a small piece chipped off of its surface may not seem like it’s in serious trouble, even if the chipped part of the tooth is highly visible. However, the truth is that any form of damage to your tooth’s natural structure should be taken seriously. Given enough time, even seemingly minor damage can become much more severe, and pose a much greater threat to your overall oral health. (more…)
Reasons Why People Choose Invisalign® Clear Aligners
Sometimes, it can seem easier to just ignore crooked teeth than to undergo treatment to straighten them. That’s often because the orthodontic treatment that’s traditionally recommended for straightening crooked teeth often involves the use of braces that consist of metal brackets and wires. For some adult patients, the potential inconvenience of braces can make them hesitate to receive them, despite the importance of addressing tooth misalignment as soon as possible. This is also one of many reasons why some adult patients can benefit significantly from choosing Invisalign® clear aligners as their treatment. (more…)
Perfecting Your Smile With Porcelain Veneers
Keeping up with your smile’s appearance can seem like a difficult feat, especially now in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. While advanced dental technology makes it much easier to address a few blemishes, and the cosmetic process of teeth whitening helps to restore that radiant shine, having multiple blemishes that appear to require different treatment options can still make the process complicated. Fortunately, the team at Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS understands this dilemma, which is why we recommend considering porcelain veneers to restore your grin.
When To Consider A Dental Crown
Practicing consistent oral health habits such as routine brushing and flossing, in addition to attending regular examinations and cleanings are the ideal way to keep your smile in tip-top condition, but what do you do when something unexpected occurs? Accidents can happen at any given moment and cause harm to your teeth, such as cracks, chips, and more. At Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, Kansas, we want our patients to know that restorative options are available, such as receiving a dental crown, that could very well save your smile.
How We Can Cosmetically Enhance Your Smile
Your smile’s appearance is affected by a myriad of factors – from the foods you eat to the beverages you ingest, and even to the activities you participate in. While you may take care to practice good oral health habits to prevent this, the fact of the matter is that over time, it is natural for teeth to lose their shine. With all of this in mind, naturally, your smile will begin to fade and even change color, from a shiny white to a muted yellow or worse. Fortunately, the team at Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, Kansas has a solution for you that is quick, efficient, and can restore the shine you are looking for.
The Benefits of Attending Your Routine Check-Up
Our day-to-day lives can become hectic very fast, especially in the wake of the Coronavirus. What seemed like a consistent and never-ending list of to-dos now requires much more planning and energy to accomplish, rendering us exhausted and forced to cut out things that we can put off until later. While this may appear the case for doctor appointments and dental check-ups, it is crucial now more than ever to prioritize them. At Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, Kansas, oral health is our priority, and not skipping out on routine examinations and cleanings is the first step to a healthier, happier smile.
How Getting a Cavity Filled Can Protect You from Disease
As one of the most common dental concerns out there, cavities should not go untreated. At times they can be difficult to spot with the naked eye, however, attending routine check-ups and examinations can help you identify any concerns or threats to your smile while also offering solutions as to how to prevent them. If left unaddressed, that cavity can get worse, even leading to tooth loss. Fortunately, blemishes such as these are relatively simple to fix with a filling, and our Leawood, Kansas Dentist at Dreem Dentistry can let you know just how helpful this procedure can be for your oral health.
How Bonding and Contouring Restores Your Teeth
Dental injuries or mishaps can occur to anyone at any time, and knowing your options for how to handle the situation is critical for a long-lasting and healthy smile. When you develop stains that are beyond the help of ordinary teeth whitening, or if you develop serious chips or even cracks in your tooth’s structure, you may want to consider the restorative process of bonding and contouring so as to prevent further damage or even infection. At Dreem Dentistry, our Leawood, Kansas dentists can help you revitalize your smile with the simple, minimally invasive process of bonding your teeth and contouring to mimic its natural texture and appearance.
3 Serious Problems that Arise from Crooked Teeth
Crooked teeth seem like an obvious problem. While it can occur to varying degrees, a misalignment in your teeth can typically be noticeable whenever you show off your smile. However, the noticeable impact of your teeth being misaligned isn’t the only problem associated with crooked teeth. There are several more, many of which can lead to increasingly more severe complications with your teeth and oral health the longer your teeth remain crooked. (more…)