Dental care and toothache. Closeup young woman face worried girl suffering from tooth pain on grayAt one point or another as an adult you have experienced waking up from a restless night of sleep. Not only has this impacted your quality of sleep, but your day as well by causing fatigue, irritability, and more. Other times, you may have awoken with a headache or an aching jaw. While all of these circumstances occurring occasionally is normal, experiencing this all the time could be indicative of a bigger issue that can lead to oral health concerns such as worn teeth or a misaligned jaw. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist would like to address the phenomenon of teeth grinding and how it truly impacts your grin.

Worn Down Structures

For most individuals, the biggest threat to their grin is typically plaque and tartar, which cause breakdown in healthy structures and disease. For others, however, the greatest threat can actually be a bite dysfunction caused by chronic teeth grinding. Also known as bruxism, this phenomenon can be caused by a number of different factors and often consists of the inability to control when or how forcefully one grinds their teeth. Without treatment, constant friction and stress can cause your structures to wear down, causing them to become weaker. Once the healthy structure of a tooth has weakened, it becomes more susceptible to decay and disease, even possibly resulting to tooth loss in extreme cases. Not only is this a major concern, but the potential of developing TMJ disorder becomes even more immanent.

TMJ Disorder

One of the major concerns often associated with bruxism is temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, which consists of significant damage done to one or both joints in which your lower jaw hinges. It can occur as a result of chronic grinding that causes the jaw to become misaligned, and can affect one or even both of the joints. Those who suffer from TMJ disorder may experiencing popping or clicking in the jaw, increased difficulty biting or chewing, and even chronic pain in your jaw or face. If the condition is not treated properly, it can become increasingly worse, which is why we recommend contacting your dentist as soon as possible to seek treatment options.

The Need for an Appliance

While the affects you are experiencing can become a hindrance to your daily function, fortunately, your dentist may be able to help with a custom solution. Your treatment option will vary depending on your unique circumstances, however, in many cases TMJ disorder can be treated effectively and efficiently with a custom appliance such as a sleep guard or even splint therapy. For more information, contact our team today.

Learn More at Your Appointment

Don’t let your bite dysfunction or chronic grinding diminish the strength and health of your smile. Contact Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS by calling 913-681-5500 to learn more about your treatment options for bruxism or TMJ disorder.