Making sure that your teeth are protected and taken care of can be more involved than you may think. In fact, a number of factors can contribute to functional, structural, and even cosmetic concerns, including bruxism, decay, infection, tooth loss, and more. Even still, while you may practice excellent preventive care, stains may still tarnish your smile’s appearance and cause a reduction in confidence. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist shares how this concern can be addressed with a teeth-whitening procedure, offering an improvement of up to multiple shades brighter.
How A Custom Appliance Can Help Your Smile
It goes without saying that oral bacteria are often the source of a number of dental concerns. What’s more, moderate to extensive restorative measures may be required to preserve your oral health and your natural structures in the process. Even still, some individuals face bigger concerns from sources one might not initially expect, including grinding your teeth at night. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist wants to discuss the effects of grinding and other dysfunctions that can cause significant damage, and how an appliance can correct these concerns.
How Does A Dental Crown Protect Your Teeth?
It is true that our grins endure a number of factors on the daily that can contribute to their structural, functional, and even cosmetic downfall. While preventive dentistry is the core of a healthy smile, sometimes accidents occur that warrant the need for restorative treatments. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist is going to take a look at some instances where a restorative procedure is needed to preserve your grin, and how dental crowns can make this possible.
Making Your Visit Calmer With Sedation
Just as attending a doctor visit or a visit with a specialist can be anxiety-inducing, the idea of going to the dentist for a checkup can be troubling for a number of people. What’s more, that fear and worry can become so strong that it completely inhibits an individual from attending in the first place. When this happens, however, your oral health needs take a backseat, potentially causing more problems down the line than one would expect. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist will discuss ways that our office can help ease your dental anxiety with the help of dental sedation.
Did You Know Dentures Can Be Implant-Retained?
Adult tooth loss can be a difficult process for many, especially if you are unaware of your dental options moving forward. Indeed, circumstances such as internal root infections can progress at a rapid rate without proper care, resulting in the loss of one or even multiple teeth. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist would like to take a look at prosthetic dental options you may have to address complete structural loss, and how implant-retained dentures could be the right option for you.
Is Your Cavity Causing Sharp Pains?
It’s no surprise that when it comes to your oral health, infection and decay can certainly complicate the situation. Considering its common yet complex nature, it can be treated effectively with the level of success being higher the sooner treatment is sought. If allowed to progress, however, it can cause significant damage that may require extensive treatment to handle. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist takes a look at times when decay spreads internally and how our team can help.
It’s Time To Address That Cavity
Dental decay is a common concern that a number of people must deal with. In fact, it is one of the biggest threats to your oral health. Indeed, this phenomenon affects millions of people every year, and it can progress in a variety of stages, wreaking havoc on your otherwise healthy grin. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist will talk about the steps you can take to nip the problem in the bud early on through the help of a composite dental filling.
Understanding The Progression of Decay
Advanced technology nowadays makes a number of procedures possible, meaning that oral health concerns can often be treaty at virtually any step. While this is true, it is important to note that having to reach a point where prosthetic dentistry is necessary can mean that your oral health is in danger. While prosthetics are able to restore most of your overall function, bear in mind that nothing is as strong or preferred as your natural teeth. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist would like to take a look at one of the most common threats to your health – decay – and how it progresses.
Bridging The Gap To Complete Your Smile
The last thing you might think would happen to you is losing a tooth as an adult, let alone losing multiple. What you may not be aware of, however, is that once you lose one, your chances of even more coming out increase drastically. Indeed, excellent preventive care is typically the best option to avoid these concerns, but once decay begins to significantly take effect, your only viable option may be to resort to restorative dentistry. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist will discuss how prosthetic dentistry can bridge the gap within your grin and how our office can help.
Do You Have A Proper Preventive Routine?
From a young age, we often have memories of our parents consistently telling us to brush our teeth. At the time, it may feel unnecessary to do so often, and we probably attempted to get away with not doing so at one point or another. Now as adults, brushing is just another step in the morning routine before you start your day, but have you ever stopped and thought maybe there is more you can do to ensure a healthy grin? In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist would like to discuss your preventive dental regimen and ensure the necessary steps are taken to provide for a healthy smile.