When you have pain in your jaw, such as discomfort when eating, or a chronic headache, this could be related to your smile. Strained jaw joints could lead to painful disorders like TMD, also known as TMJ disorder, and bruxism. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS, dentist looks at easing your jaw joint disorders with… Read more »
Category: Preventive Dentistry
The Risks Of Untreated TMJ Disorder

When your jaw joints undergo excessive strain, this could lead to a common issue known as TMJ disorder, or TMD. The disorder impacts millions of smiles, and is linked to serious complications with the ability to open and close the mouth. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS, dentist talks about how we treat TMD.
Treating Bruxism Could Protect Your Smile

When you have bruxism, this means you grind or clench your teeth on a regular basis. Without treatment, this could damage your teeth and leave your smile vulnerable to painful infections and more. Fortunately, your Leawood, KS, dentist can treat bruxism and protect your smile with a noninvasive oral appliance.
Scaling And Root Planing Helps Manage Gum Disease

When you have sore, red, and bleeding gums, this could mean you have gingivitis or the early stages of periodontal disease, and that treatment is crucial for protecting your smile. To help manage the concern, we could offer a deep cleaning. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS, dentist talks about our scaling and root planings.
The Importance Of Oral Cancer Screening

When was the last time you underwent an oral cancer screening? According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, over 53,000 will likely be diagnosed with the disease this year alone. Which is why a screening is so valuable. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS, dentist talks about the importance of your routine oral cancer screening, and… Read more »
Don’t Ignore Your Exams And Cleanings!

For younger adult patients, setting dental appointments can be difficult. This is a normal part of development as you test the waters in which medical needs are necessary at what time. No matter how much your parents bring it up, the likelihood is high that they too struggled with this action. With that said, it… Read more »
Celebrate With A Brighter Smile

Around this time of year, it can be gratifying to take stock of the successes of the past year. It can also be a helpful experience to reflect on where we could have done better. This makes it a perfect time to schedule a routine cleaning and examination at Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS. During… Read more »
How Long Has It Been Since Your Last Oral Cancer Screening?

In our most recent blog, we took a look at the signs and symptoms of gum disease, as well as why it was important to stay on top of routine periodontal care. More often than not, we take the strides necessary to keep our teeth protected, but fall short when it comes to the other… Read more »
Scheduling Your Oral Cancer Screening

From an early age, your parents, guardians, family members, and dental professionals in your life have emphasized the importance of staying on top of your oral health. For most, this comes in the form of brushing and flossing regularly in addition to attending regular dental checkups and cleanings. What you might not be readily aware… Read more »
Ask Our Team About Sleep Apnea Treatment

It goes without saying that your smile endures a significant amount of wear and tear over the years. Not only do you have to worry about the types of foods and beverages you consume and how they can lead to staining, but too much sugar in your diet can promote cavities and dental decay. Moreover,… Read more »