Are you scared to bite into an ice cream bar because you are worried that it will make your teeth hurt? Or maybe hot liquids, like coffee or tea, make you wince when you drink them. Perhaps you avoid brushing or flossing much because it does not feel good. If you are experiencing things like this, you may have sensitive teeth. No one should stop doing daily habits that they enjoy because they fear they may cause them pain. When you visit your Leawood, KS, dentist during your regular checkup and cleaning, let us know if your teeth are feeling sensitive. We can examine them thoroughly to root out the cause of it.
What You Need To Know About Plaque And Tartar
When you visit your Leawood, KS, dentist, you may hear the words plaque and tartar, two things that can compromise your oral health. In fact, if left untreated, a buildup of plaque can lead to gum disease. And if that is not treated early, it could lead to a whole host of other issues that will require more intensive dental work. For today’s blog post, let us explore what plaque and tartar are and what we, and you, can do to prevent it from accumulating on your teeth.
How To Maintain Your Dental Health When You Are Sick
This is the season that brings with it a cold, wintery mix of sleet and snow to some parts of the world. Other parts may be a little sunnier. But one thing everyone has in common this season is that they are more susceptible to colds and the flu. If you are feeling a bit under the weather, you may not want to keep up with your good dental habits. However, you should because oral health is related to overall health. With that in mind, here are some tips from your Leawood, KS, dentist on what you can do to maintain your dental health.
We Can Add A Bit Of Bling To Your Smile
There are many cosmetic dental procedures that people elect to have in order to help them have confidence in their smile. These include things such as teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, Invisalign® Aligners, and gum contouring. And with most of these treatments, your Leawood, KS, dentist can help you. There is another treatment, though, that is just as popular as those mentioned, and it is a service we can also provide. It is called Twinkles® Tooth Jewelry. If you are looking to give your smile an extra sparkle, we can help. Let us learn more about them in today’s blog post.
How We Can Help If You Are Grinding Your Teeth
When you visit your Leawood, KS, dentist, you are probably coming in for a regular checkup or cleaning. You might be seeing us for a cosmetic dentistry treatment or something like a root canal procedure. These are some of the things for which most patients visit dentists. But there is something else we can help you with if you are experiencing it: constant teeth grinding. It is called bruxism, and you may not even know you are doing it. While we look at your teeth during an appointment, we can watch for signs of it, like the tips of your teeth starting to flatten. If this is happening, we can fit you with a custom-designed appliance.
What You Need To Know About Wisdom Teeth
As you go through life, you will find that your teeth may change. Some may move. Some may change color. Some may become chipped or cracked. And when you are younger, you will lose some but they will be replaced with new ones. Specifically, in your late teenage years, a third set of molars will appear. These are your wisdom teeth, and when they grow in correctly, they can help with chewing and biting. Yes, there could be some discomfort when they come in, but if you experience pain with their arrival, you should make an appointment with your Leawood, KS, dentist so that we can properly diagnose the issue. For today, let us learn more about wisdom teeth.
Reasons Why You May Have Bad Breath
No one enjoys being told their breath is bad. It can be embarrassing. But having bad breath on occasion is common. It can be caused by what you eat or drink, and it can quickly be remedied by brushing your teeth, swishing around mouthwash, or chewing gum. What you have to really be aware of, though, is consistent bad breath, because it may be caused by something else involving your oral health. Your Leawood, KS, dentist can help determine the underlying cause of it when you visit for your regular checkups and cleanings. In the meantime, let us look at some of the causes behind breath that is not pleasant.
Flossing Matters And Here Is Why
When dentists ask you if you have been flossing, they are not just asking if you have been doing the latest dance craze. They want to know if you are keeping up with your good dental habits. Along with brushing twice a day, flossing before you go to bed every night is a good way to help prevent cavities and gum disease. If you have questions or concerns about flossing, your Leawood, KS, dentist is happy to answer and address them during your regular checkups and cleanings. In the meantime, here is more information about it that will help you maintain your oral health.
Practice These Good Brushing Habits For Healthy Teeth
So, you have made it through the first month of the year. Are you still keeping your resolutions, if you made any? If you never made one or broke the one you had, it is never too late to start a new resolution. In fact, here is one you can begin this month: improving your brushing habits. What is that, you say? Yes, your Leawood, KS, dentist knows you are practicing good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day with a fluoride-based toothpaste. And we know you are flossing, yes? Even these good habits can use some refining so that your teeth are in tip-top shape. Here are a few ways you can step up your brushing game for 2020.
Cosmetic Dentistry Options For The Smile You Want
Let us all admit it: Smiles are important. A good one goes a long way in helping with self-confidence. It is what people usually notice first about you, so if you are not happy with your smile, it may cause you to lose confidence. And for centuries, there was very little people could do about them. Stains, chipped or cracked teeth…people lived with these things. But today, we have the ways and means to address them through cosmetic dentistry. This is not something that is just good for appearances, though. Treating issues like the ones just mentioned can help with your overall oral health, as well. Your Leawood, KS, dentist offers several cosmetic options to help you achieve the smile you want. Let us take an overview of some of them.