When you practice good dental hygiene on a regular basis, you’re improving your chances of avoiding things like tooth decay and gum disease. Such concerns arise from the excessive buildup of harmful oral bacteria, and preventing this buildup is the cornerstone of your good hygiene routine. However, not all oral health concerns are caused by plaque and tartar buildup. For instance, if your tooth becomes damaged due to something like excessive pressure, accidental trauma, or other reasons, then this damage can become one of the greatest threats to your tooth and long-term oral health. Fortunately, there are ways in which you can lower your risks of experiencing tooth damage and needing restorative treatment to fix it.

Wear a mouthguard when you play sports

One of the most effective and important tips to protecting your teeth is to do so with a protective mouthguard at times when your teeth are at greatest risk. That includes when you play a contact sport, or engage in activities that could place you at risk of accidental dental trauma (such as skateboarding, kickboxing, extreme sports, and more). You can buy a one-size-fits-all guard at most sporting goods stores. However, for better protection, you may benefit from a custom-designed appliance created by your dentist.

Be wary of things like grinding your teeth

Even if you don’t play extreme sports, your teeth might still be subject to excessive pressure through conditions like bruxism, which is the constant grinding of your teeth. People with bruxism don’t always recognize their condition until they start to exhibit tooth damage. However, you might notice signs such as tooth sensitivity, sore jaw muscles, and more to warn of you the condition before your teeth suffer any significant harm. If you notice these signs, or catch yourself grinding your teeth multiple times throughout the day, then you can lower your risks of severe tooth damage by speaking to your dentist about your condition.

Take good care of any existing dental restorations

If you’ve already had one or more teeth restored previously, then these teeth may be inherently at a higher risk of suffering damage. This is because any form of tooth damage weakens your tooth structure, and if your restoration fails or doesn’t hold up as expected, the tooth may experience more severe damage until the restoration is fixed or replaced.

Learn how to protect your teeth from damage

Your teeth aren’t indestructible, but they’re strong enough to last for life with the right care and maintenance. To learn more, schedule an appointment with us by calling Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS, today at 913-681-5500. We also serve patients who live in Overland Park and all surrounding communities.