In our previous blog, we discussed the importance of treating your cavities sooner rather than later. Indeed, dental decay is one of the most common oral health concerns out there, and just because it is common, that does not mean it should be left unchecked. As the damage becomes worse, a number of concerns arise that not only threaten your smile’s health and integrity, but the health of surrounding teeth as well. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist explains why dental crowns can be an effective restorative solution, and how their versatility helps reinforce your smile.
Why You Should Have Your Cavities Treated
It goes without saying that your smile is going to face a number of concerns throughout the course of your life. From dangerous decay and infection to the effects of certain foods you consume, and everything else in-between, there is not much your smile is safe from. Because of this, it is up to you to prioritize your oral health with routine preventive care, both at home and in-office. While you may be doing everything right, it only takes one instance of falling short for an issue to occur. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist will take a look at the dangers of dental decay and why it is best to treat cavities sooner rather than later.
Restoring Your Oral Health With A Root Canal
Cavities are a problem that many people experience, something that calls for treatment at the dentist’s office. Often, this is a problem that can be addressed with a dental filling. However, there are some occasions when more involved care is needed. If decay is not caught and treated in time, the cavity can cause an infection within the tooth structure that has to be addressed through root canal therapy. At our Leawood, KS dentist’s office, we can address advanced tooth decay by dealing with an internal infection, restoring your pulp, and providing a custom restoration to protect your tooth and smile. We should note that root canal therapy can also be included in treatment if you have a serious physical injury. (more…)
High-Quality Results With Dental Technology
It goes without saying nobody wants their smile plagued with noticeable blemishes such as chips and stains. What’s more? Worrying about your oral health can be much more intensive than you expect, as there are countless threats out there that can negatively impact your smile’s integrity. Fortunately, dental practices that range from preventive to restorative and even cosmetic can aid your health tremendously. But how exactly does this occur? In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist will explore the importance of advanced practices and dental technology, as well as the role they play in keeping your smile healthy for life.
Removing Stains With Dental Whitening
Nothing is more disgruntling than doing everything right when it comes to taking care of your smile, just to experience a cosmetic blemish from a random accident. What’s more? Practices that you might not have initially though would tarnish your smile can actually cause significant damage or even noticeable discrepancies such as stains. While your health is of the utmost priority, that does not mean that your appearance needs to suffer. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist will take a look at the way your diet may impact the appearance of your teeth, and how cosmetic whitening can brighten your grin in a single visit.
Have You Endured A Surface-Level Chip?
Taking care of your smile is a consistent process, and a well-rounded preventive routine should suffice to prevent a variety of concerns from arising. The truth of the matter is, however, that this is not always the case, as dental emergencies and physical accidents can lead to noticeable flaws in your grin. Indeed, a chip or crack may only impact your teeth on a surface level, but nobody wants their gorgeous smile tarnished by a blemish that can be easily fixed. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist takes a look at cosmetic concerns that may plague your smile, and how tooth bonding and contouring can correct the issue in a simple treatment.
Fixing Smile Blemishes With Lifelike Solutions
Whether an emergency arises that chips your tooth or drinking coffee every day for years causes noticeable stains, unsightly blemishes have the capability to tarnish your entire smile. Indeed, complications such as cracks, stains, chips, and even gaps in-between teeth can impact your self-esteem and appearance, and they are often one of the first things someone notices about your smile. Fortunately, our team is prepared to help with conservative cosmetic dentistry. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist explains how dental porcelain not only provides a lifelike appearance but how it can address a myriad of discrepancies in one fell swoop.
The Necessity Of Removing Compromised Teeth
Issues such as dental decay, TMJ disorder, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and many more can lead to even bigger concerns arising for your oral health. After all, A cavity or subsequent issue will not get better with time, and if you wait too long before seeking treatment, you could face the possibility of losing a natural tooth. While nobody chooses to lose a tooth, sometimes it is the only option available when it comes to prioritizing your oral health. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist discusses situations in which extraction is warranted, as well as how it can benefit your smile.
Are You Experiencing TMJ Disorder?
You have so much going on, from balancing family life to work, school, and a myriad of other engagements, that sometimes your health can take a seat on the back burner. Indeed, ensuring your oral health – in addition to other aspects – is taken care of can easily slip one’s mind when having to balance a hectic schedule. You may be taking care to brush every day, but bear in mind that decay is far from the only threat to your smile. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist explores the notion of having a sore or tense jaw and discusses how bruxism can lead to even bigger concerns.
Caring For Your Smile On Vacation
Now that school has let out and everyone is free for the summer, many families are planning vacations all around the country. Indeed, this past year and a half’s events have been enough to drive many mad, and a nice relaxing break is just what people need. Bear in mind, however, that just because you are on vacation, that does not mean your oral health is. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist shares a few important tips and tricks to keep in mind to ensure your smile’s health as you prepare for your break.