Addressing Questions About Cavity Treatment

It is important that you recognize just how harmful tooth decay can be, especially when it is not caught in time. The harm to your enamel caused by a cavity is permanent. If too much time passes, bacteria can actually make their way past your enamel and cause an infection within your tooth, which can cause you pain and put you at risk for tooth loss. Fortunately, there are actions you can take to avoid these issues. Keeping up with good oral hygiene habits and scheduling regular dental checkups will help you stay cavity-free. If you do experience a problem with this issue, our Leawood, KS dental practice is prepared to help. We can provide restorative treatment that removes the threat of decay and even provides discreet, lasting support for your tooth! (more…)

Should I Ask My Dentist About TMJ Therapy?

Sometimes, a patient’s need for dental work is not related to problems with an individual tooth. If you have issues with your jaw alignment or movement, broader aches and pains that affect your face, neck, and head can require attention. Your Leawood, KS dentist can talk to you about properly managing TMJ disorder. With the right support, you can enjoy a reduction in jaw pain and stiffness, experience fewer headaches, and even have an easier time managing teeth grinding issues. It is often possible for us to put a stop to these issues by providing a patient a custom oral appliance that reduces tension while encouraging them to hold their jaw in a more comfortable position. (more…)

Oral Concerns You Should Be Aware Of

cute cartoon tooth with decay problem on blue backgroundWhether you are aware of it or not, your grin endures a significant amount of wear over the course of your lifetime. Because of this, your dentist recommends implementing a detailed oral care plan to provide ideal protection. Indeed, dental practices such as prevention, restorations, and even surface-level treatment are effective means for ensuring the health of your smile, but falling short in one or more areas can pave the way for significant complications down the line. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist take a look at a few concerns that can threaten your smile’s health, as well as what you can do to prevent them.


Higher Precision With Advanced Technology

Future technology blue touchscreen interface. Tooth icon screenThough dental decay and infection are among the most common concerns that threaten the integrity of your smile, it goes without saying that they are far from the only issues. Indeed, complications such as oral cancer, sleep apnea, and even chronic teeth-grinding pose a significant threat, and there are even more concerns you might not even think of. What’s more? Treating complications would be difficult without high-precision equipment, but fortunately, advanced dental technology is on our side. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist explains the importance of advanced equipment, and how it contributes to higher-quality treatment.


Major Complications Of Oral Cancer

stethoscope and red love with medical conceptual text.Dental decay and infection are arguably the most common oral health concerns there are. Indeed, hyperactive bacteria tend to be the basis for many dental threats, but it is important to note that they are far from the only points of concern. As a matter of fact, issues such as teeth-grinding, sleep apnea, and so much more can impact your grin negatively, and some factors are more common than you might have expected. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist takes a look at the way oral cancer affects your health, as well as what you can do to minimize your risks of development.


The Importance of Periodontal Health

Periodontal probe, held by dental hygienist, measuring pocket depths around tooth, examining progression of periodontal disease. Dental hygiene, periodontal disease and prevention concept.When it comes to oral health complications, the biggest concern that tops many patients’ minds is the notion of losing a natural tooth. Indeed, while tooth loss can be avoided with the combination of an effective preventive routine and frequent dental visits, sometimes life has other plans. Even still, tooth loss is only one of many concerns that can arise and target your teeth, and seeking treatment sooner rather than later is always the better option. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist describes the process of gum disease and infection, and how you can take better care of your periodontal health.


Major Benefits of Implant Dentistry

row human tooth and Dental implant. 3d illustrationTaking care of your health means much more than just brushing your teeth on a regular basis. In fact, sometimes oral health requires us to make difficult decisions, such as extracting a tooth for the sake of our entire smile’s integrity. Indeed, nobody wants to lose a tooth as an adult, but sometimes it is unavoidable altogether. Still, however, just because a diseased structure is no longer present, that does not mean you are in the clear. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist explains the importance of having a lost structure replaced, and how dental implants can help.


When Better Health Means Extracting A Tooth

Closeup portrait dentist, his assistant carrying out thorough examination dental procedure, tooth extraction on young female patient, lying in chair, wide open mouth isolated clinic office backgroundSeeking dental treatment is a necessary step in your overall dental routine, but sometimes your situation requires more consideration than you might have initially thought. Indeed, our smiles face a significant number of threats over the course of our lives, and some situations are much worse than others. In theory, a well-rounded preventive dental routine is enough to pave the way for a lifelong smile, but sometimes life has different plans. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist explores circumstances that may warrant tooth removal, and how sometimes an extraction is the only way to prioritize your overall health.


Ways We Make Your Visit Comfortable

Dentist examining cute boy's teeth in modern clinicWhile dentistry plays a major role in the overall quality and health of your smile, it can be a stressful experience for some. Indeed, do you recall being a young child who had to go into the office for a checkup and fearing what was to come? In retrospect, the process is not troubling at all, but as a child, the fear of the unknown is very real. Even as adults, going to the dentist can be stressful if you have no idea what to expect. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist explains how we take steps to ensure your visit is as comfortable as possible, and how custom treatment and sedation can help.


Providing Treatment For Tiny Smiles

Pediatric dentistry, children teeth treatment. Boy with a large model of smile in front of the face, against the background of a dentist and a girlWhen it comes to maintaining a healthy smile for life, your quality of care for your oral health matters tremendously. Indeed, while circumstances such as physical injury and emergencies can occur at any given time, the main causes of dental damage have to do with a subpar preventive dental routine. Because of this, your dentist recommends that you start your care as early as possible in order to give your smile the best chance of success. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist discusses the importance of children’s dentistry, and how proper care can lead to a lifelong smile.
