Things that Could Raise Your Risks of Tooth Loss

Losing one or more teeth can have significant, long-term impacts on your oral health, which is why preventing it is typically the better option for your smile. However, not everyone realizes how preventable tooth loss can be, or what may be contributing to their specific risks of experiencing it. Today, we examine a few of the common things that could lead to much higher risks of losing teeth, and how you can mitigate those risks to improve your chances of preventing tooth loss. (more…)

Do Your Teeth Seem Worn Down? Why You Should Restore Them

A lot of things might come to mind when you think of your oral health, such as preventing cavities and spotting gum disease. However, your tooth structure wearing down isn’t something you might worry about until you notice that it’s occurred. Worn down teeth can mean a couple of things, such as you grind your teeth too much or your bite’s balance isn’t as even as it should be. In most cases, however, it’s important to address the problem as soon as possible, and to fix the damage to your tooth structure to restore your bite’s balance and function. (more…)

A Few Ways Implants Can Improve Your Denture

With the right custom-designed denture, most patients who experience severe or complete tooth loss (also known as edentulism) can often bounce back with impressive results. This is largely due to modern dentures’ ability to closely mimic the appearance of healthy, natural teeth, from their color and shade to the details of their contours, and more. However, many modern dentures still have room for improvement in one specific area – the ways in which they’re supported along your dental ridge. Today, we look at how an appropriate number of dental implants can provide your denture with more lifelike support by mimicking the healthy roots of your natural teeth. (more…)

Questions About Your Dental Implant Candidacy

The best way to replace a lost tooth is to replace as much of it as possible, and with a restoration that mimics the healthy structure of your tooth as closely as possible. For many people, that makes dental implants, which are designed to replace your lost teeth roots, the most beneficial solution for replacing their lost teeth and rebuilding their smiles. Today, we examine if you’re a good candidate for dental implants by answering a few common questions about qualifying for them. (more…)

The Different Roles of Root Canal Treatment in Saving Teeth

The most common role of root canal treatment is to treat a tooth that’s developed decay (or tooth infection) within its pulp and root canal. However, the nature of how decay reaches this area of your tooth isn’t always the same for everyone, and therefore, neither is the need for root canal treatment. Today, we examine a few different conditions that might warrant root canal treatment, and the role the treatment plays in saving your tooth from them. (more…)

How TMJ Disorder Impacts More than Your Oral Health

The health and function of your teeth, jaws, and bite structures are intricately connected in a wide variety of ways. For example, your temporomandibular joints, which are located on either side of your jaw, are responsible for allowing your lower jaw to move when you bite, chew, and speak. Their proper function relies on several other factors, including the health and integrity of your jawbone, and the alignment of your teeth. When one or more of these factors don’t function properly, the impact to your TMJs, as well as your overall bite function, can have significant consequences for your oral health and more. (more…)

Why It’s Important to Treat Gingivitis Early

While the main goal of preventive dental care is to avoid the development of common dental issues (like gum disease), that doesn’t mean your efforts should end if one does develop. For example, having gingivitis, which is the first stage of gum disease, doesn’t mean you’ve already lost your battle against gum disease. In fact, by treating gingivitis as early as possible, you have a good chance of allowing the condition to have any significant impact on your long-term oral health. (more…)

Why You Might Need to Know More About Your Toothache

Sometimes, a toothache can be successfully stopped with an over-the-counter pain reliever or oral analgesic. Home remedies, like putting ice on the side of your mouth where the tooth hurts, might sometimes work, as well. However, the thing about such solutions is they usually only offer temporary relief, and in many cases, the discomfort will return before long. The most effective way to avoid this is to get to know as much as you can about your toothache – specifically, what’s causing it – so you can determine what the best solution for it is. (more…)

The Best Way to Deal with Your Tooth Loss

Dealing with any issue that affects your oral health is a highly personal process. That’s because your smile is unique, and so are the specific ways in which oral health concerns can affect it. When it comes to dealing with tooth loss, the same holds true. People can lose teeth to different degrees, and the teeth they lose can be in different areas along their dental ridge. Therefore, choosing the best way to deal with your tooth loss means carefully assessing the extent of your condition, as well as the different advantages that certain types of restorations can offer. (more…)

Things You Need a Dental Restoration For

When something happens to your healthy, natural tooth structure and you need to restore it, you want your restoration to repair and preserve your tooth as best as possible. In many cases, this is exactly what makes custom dental restorations the preferable option. Designed to restore, protect, and preserve a tooth no matter it’s specific concern, a customized dental restoration can help your tooth bounce back from a number of different concerns. (more…)