When it comes to restoring teeth that suffer from structural damage, or that require extensive tooth decay treatment, dental crowns have long been one of the most effective solutions. Designed according to your specific needs, and to closely mimic the size and shape of your healthy tooth, a dental crown can completely cap your tooth and restore its ability to function properly. This can be necessary if the tooth is fractured or broken, or experiences a number of other concerns. However, many patients are surprised to learn just how advanced modern dental crowns have become, and how much they can do for your smile and oral health due to their more lifelike designs. (more…)
3 Ways Invisalign® Improves Your Orthodontic Treatment
Throughout your lifetime, caring for your smile can mean many different things besides routine checkup and cleaning appointments. For instance, if you develop a cavity, then you’ll have to treat it as soon as possible to preserve your oral health. Likewise, if your teeth aren’t aligned properly, you’ll need to correct their alignment with appropriate orthodontic treatment. While some patients may hesitate at the thought of having to wear braces to correct their smiles, many are surprised to learn that they may not have to. With Invisalign® clear aligners, you may be able to successfully straighten your teeth in a much more comfortable and discreet manner than you expect. (more…)
How to Make Sure Teeth-Whitening’s a Good Idea
When you take good care of your smile and oral health, you want it to show. Therefore, when things like stains start to develop on your teeth surfaces and make them seem less vibrant, you want a convenient, but effective, way of improving your smile’s appearance. With professional teeth-whitening, many patients can find the solution they need. Designed to conveniently break up and remove stains from your teeth surfaces, teeth-whitening can be a good idea for bringing out your smile’s natural, healthy attractiveness. (more…)
What Could Veneers Do for Your Smile?
For people who want to improve their smiles appearance, there are often multiple different options to achieve their goal. The use of custom-designed porcelain veneers has continued to grow more popular among patients due to their highly lifelike appearance, as well as their ability to address a wide variety of different smile concerns. Today, we examine what porcelain veneers may be able to do for your smile, and why we might recommend them to improve your smile with optimal results. (more…)
Why Tooth-Colored Fillings Are Preferable for Cavities
The fact that cavities are common isn’t as much of a threat thanks to advanced dental treatments, such as custom tooth fillings. In fact, the practice of filling a tooth’s cavity to save it from tooth decay has long been a go-to solution for patients with cavities. Today, however, the process is much more advanced, and over the last several years, the materials often used to create them have also evolved. Instead of the metal fillings that patients have often come to expect, for example, we can often provide more discreet and natural-looking ones made from advanced composite resin. (more…)
3 Reasons to Look Forward To After Tooth Extraction
When you’re told that you need tooth extraction, you might have mixed feelings about it. Removing the tooth might be preferable to extensive restorative treatment that isn’t likely to work, but your goals for your smile were supposed to include preserving your healthy, natural teeth for life. Unfortunately, if the need for tooth extraction has arisen, it means that preserving the tooth is no longer an option. Fortunately, there are several things you can look forward to after the tooth is removed, and the problems that it caused are no longer a constant presence. (more…)
What’s the Point of Root Canal Treatment?
The fact that you need root canal treatment is one thing, but understanding that need and the importance of the treatment is something else entirely. To many people, tooth decay is most widely recognized as the source of cavities. This connection can make them believe that their tooth decay can be treated with a filling, even if it is a little more severe. However, the point of root canal treatment is to restore a tooth that has become too infected for a more conservative tooth filling to treat. This means your tooth infection may be a lot more serious than you expect, and will only grow worse the longer you wait to treat it. (more…)
Why Do You Have Bruxism?
When many people are diagnosed with bruxism, they may be surprised to learn that the teeth-grinding habit they rarely think of is actually one of the greatest threats to their smiles. That underlies one of the most significant problems with treating bruxism; the fact that many people don’t realize they have a problem to worry about in the first place. Another significant issue is the fact that bruxism can occur for a wide variety of possible reasons. Therefore, designing treatment to help you stop grinding your teeth and preserve your healthy, natural smile is a highly personalized process. (more…)
When You Have Gingivitis and Need Deep Cleaning
When plaque and tartar gather on your teeth surfaces, you need professional cleaning to successfully remove it all. Tartar, which is a calcified form of plaque, can’t be cleaned off your teeth with toothpaste and water. It takes professional care and equipment. However, when plaque and tartar develop on the roots of your teeth, which rest underneath your gums, even professional teeth cleaning might not be enough to remove the threat they pose to your smile. Deep cleaning, or scaling and root planing, may be the only solution to preventing or stopping the gingivitis that follows this buildup. (more…)
What an Optimal Checkup and Cleaning Means
Keeping up with your checkup and cleaning appointments by attending them on schedule every time doesn’t seem like much of a challenge when every visit goes smoothly. For some people, even a simple checkup and cleaning can seem like a chore if they fear they have an issue and will likely need to schedule further treatment to address it. Fortunately, there are ways you can optimize your daily and routine oral health care to help make sure that your regular professional dental visits don’t get too complicated. (more…)