Category: Restorative Dentistry

How Can You Tell if Your Tooth Needs Root Canal Treatment?

Typically, the good thing about tooth decay is that it can often be treated with a minimally invasive procedure, such as filling the cavity that it’s caused. However, more severe cases of tooth decay require a more involved solution, such as root canal treatment, to address the more invasive nature of the problem. Today, we… Read more »

How Dental Crowns Preserve Teeth

While your teeth are incredibly tough and durable, they’re not immune to wear. The hard outer layer of your tooth is called the “enamel.” This enamel is a mineral structure designed to prevent physical and biological wear. However, if you don’t clean your teeth regularly, bacteria can start to build and break down that enamel…. Read more »

Why Is Tooth Decay Such a Serious Problem?

The unique nature of your teeth and oral tissues means that the concerns you may face with your oral health can be unique, as well. However, one of the most common concerns for healthy teeth is the development of tooth decay, which results from excessive bacteria buildup on your teeth and the harmful substances they… Read more »

3 Definitions of Tooth Damage (and Their Solutions)

Your teeth are responsible for a lot more than most other parts of your body, and when they’re healthy, they’re protected by the strongest substance your body produces, called enamel. However, your healthy tooth structure can still become damaged in a variety of ways, and when it does, it’s important to restore the tooth as… Read more »

What’s the Best Way to Fix Your Tooth?

Aside from the regular need for routine dental checkups and cleanings, everyone’s dental health needs are different. That’s because everyone’s smile is unique, and so are the specific concerns that could develop and need to be addressed. For example, your healthy, natural tooth structure might become compromised from structural damage, or from the development of… Read more »

3 Types of Tooth Concerns You Should Never Ignore

Sometimes, things that could mean serious trouble for your oral health don’t seem that serious at first. Other times, it’s obvious how serious something is, but you may underestimate the importance of addressing it as soon as possible. The truth is that any change you notice to your healthy, natural tooth structure could indicate something… Read more »

Is There a Way to Treat Your Cavity Discreetly?

When you first develop a cavity and find out that you need a tooth filling, your first thought may not be about how the filling will look. However, for patients who receive traditional metal fillings to treat their cavities, the appearance of the filling can be hard to miss once it’s placed. Fortunately, many patients… Read more »

Why Your Tooth Needs Root Canal Treatment

When many people think of treating tooth decay, they think of filling a cavity with a tooth-colored filling. Therefore, they may be surprised to learn that their condition is more severe than they expected, and that restoring their tooth may require root canal treatment, instead. When tooth decay is allowed to get severe enough, it… Read more »

Is There a Best Way to Treat a Cracked Tooth?

When your healthy, natural tooth’s structure cracks or becomes damaged, the only way to prevent the damage from getting worse is to actively treat it. Even if the crack in your tooth’s surface seems minor, treating it as soon as possible could be necessary for preventing more serious complications with the tooth structure and your… Read more »

The Different Roles of Root Canal Treatment in Saving Teeth

The most common role of root canal treatment is to treat a tooth that’s developed decay (or tooth infection) within its pulp and root canal. However, the nature of how decay reaches this area of your tooth isn’t always the same for everyone, and therefore, neither is the need for root canal treatment. Today, we… Read more »