When you sustain damage that chips or cracks a tooth, or experience pain related to a cavity or infection, we can offer relief and protect your smile with a restoration. Our dental crowns are custom-made from durable and lifelike materials. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS, dentist talks about improving smiles with our dental crowns.
When A Tooth Needs Restoration
A crown caps the entire visible part of each tooth, which enables us to address an array of oral health concerns. Since we use materials like ceramic, which are metal-free and can be shaded to blend with the smile, your results are natural looking too. We could use them to treat tooth decay too severe for a filling, or to complete a root canal for an infected tooth. If you have broken, cracked, or chipped a tooth, this can offer repair to prevent complications. Placement could also correct a misshapen tooth and preserve overall bite balance and chewing function. We could even use one or more to support a bridge to address missing teeth, or to restore a single missing tooth.
Repair with a Restoration
When you sustain an injury or develop a serious issue that needs attention, we can move forward with placement. To begin, we will numb the tooth being treated so that our team can remove some of the outer structure and make room for your new restoration. Once we do, our team will gather detailed images and measurements of the prepared tooth, which we use in a dental lab setting to design and fabricate your custom crown. As we mentioned, we use materials like ceramic due to the material’s strength and durability, but also the ability to color match them to blend with your smile.
When we have completed your restoration, we will check the fit and make sure adjustments are not necessary. We want to ensure a properly balanced bite and comfortable fit, in addition to a lifelike appearance. When the crown is ready, we will attach it with a powerful bonding agent, which can ensure your restoration lasts for years to come. Keeping them bright and strong involves the same level of care you could provide your natural teeth, such as brushing and flossing Ing daily. If you have any questions about how our team diagnoses and treats issues like tooth decay or damage with a crown, then contact our team today to learn more.
Ready to Restorative Dentistry?
Our team wants to offer repair to restore your smile to optimal health, function, and beauty again. Call Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS by calling (913)681-5500 to learn more about our custom and durable dental restorations. We also serve patients who live in Overland Park, South KC, South OP, Martin City, MO, and all surrounding communities.