It goes without saying that your smile is constantly enduring the wear and tear of various factors throughout the course of your life. While the most extreme cases of these may include severe gum infection, uncontrollable or irreversible dental decay, and permanent tooth loss, this does not negate the fact that millions of people must endure the effects of cosmetic concerns on a daily basis. Indeed, blemish-specific procedures exist to address issues such as noticeable stains or even cracks, but what does this mean for a grin experiencing various concerns? In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist looks at the versatility of porcelain veneers and how your smile can benefit.
Efficiency in Practice
When it comes down to it, nobody would choose to endure any sort of smile concern if it were avoidable. After all, your teeth are essential for a host of activities and protection, and falling short in any level of protection can cause a host of concerns to arise. Though the most threatening of these include those that target your oral health, that is not to say that there is not value in addressing cosmetic concerns.
Indeed, cosmetic dentistry is the practice of using non-invasive treatment to address surface-level concerns in a highly realistic and lifelike manner. In other words, special care is taken to make sure your grin is enhanced to appear more suitable than before you received treatment.
Though teeth whitening is excellent for combatting stains and bonding and contouring treatment helps address cracks and chips, what is the expectation for a smile enduring several blemishes? Fortunately, this is where dental veneers and their versatility come in to help. For more information about this process, give our team a call today.
Treatment for A Host of Concerns
To be realistic, smile blemishes are going to occur in a host of different ways. For instance, your morning cup of coffee may lead to significant coffee stains, whereas a physical accident or injury can result in surface-level chips and cracks.
To address a variety of concerns without having to use various treatment options in conjunction, our team recommends the use of porcelain veneers. These consist of ultra-thin shells of dental porcelain that are bonded to the front of your teeth using dental cement. To learn more about this process and what the benefits of treatment look like, give our team a call.
Lifelike Accuracy
Just as the name depicts, cosmetic dentistry is highly regarded because of its ability to address surface-level concerns and enhance your smile’s overall appearance. What’s more? Using dental porcelain allows our team to truly capture the luster, shape, and texture of your natural teeth so that your finished grin is nothing short of perfect.
Learn More Today
To learn more about the value of cosmetic dental treatment, contact Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS by calling 913-681-5500 to schedule your next appointment with our office today.