Whether due to age or accident, some patients may lose all or a lot of their teeth sometime in their lives. When this happens, a person’s oral health is compromised, not to mention, their self-confidence when they smile. For those who have lost multiple teeth, your Leawood, KS, dentist offers restorative options, such as dentures. Whether full, partial, or implant-retained, they will get your smile back on track, along with providing you a healthier mouth.  

Which Dentures Are Right For Me?

Every patient is unique, and the type of denture needed will depend on things like how many teeth have been lost and the status of the jawbone. Whichever one is chosen, you can rest assured that it is custom designed just for you. The two main types are partial and full dentures. While this restorative item is created to replace teeth that are completely missing on an upper or lower dental ridge, some patients still have healthy teeth. For those who do, partial dentures can be prescribed. They will fit around the remaining teeth. If a patient is missing all of their teeth, then a full denture is needed. It is lifelike, and its gum-colored base is comfortable and stable when sitting on a dental ridge.  

What About Implants?

Patients who have lost most of their teeth have also lost their roots, which play a major role in your health. Roots stimulate the jawbone and help with the flow of nutrients in your body. Also, missing teeth can lead to changes in the facial structure and how you bite and chew things. For those who qualify, implant-retained dentures may be recommended. They are similar to partial or full ones, but they include root-like posts for stabilization. This is more effective than adhesives used for conventional dentures. It will also help with stimulating the jawbone when biting or chewing. Before recommending this type of treatment, we’ll examine your mouth and jawbone to make sure it is the right choice. We may use digital imaging technology, too, to better understand with precision if the procedure is appropriate for you. 

Stay On Top Of Your Oral Health

Taking care of your teeth and mouth is a good step in taking care of your overall health. Always brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss before going to sleep at night, and make regular appointments with your dentist for exams and cleanings.    

Don’t Miss Out On Have A Great Smile 

If you’re missing most or all of your teeth, dentures may be a good choice for you. To learn more, schedule an appointment with us by calling Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS, today at 913-681-5500. We also serve patients who live in Overland Park and all surrounding communities.