Many first-time parents often wonder at what point they should begin focusing on their child’s oral health. Your child’s teeth need attention and care from the moment they first erupt. Now, caring for that first tiny tooth may be pretty simple compared to trying to brush a full set of teeth twice a day, but it’s important that you give that tooth the attention it needs. As your child grows, they will learn to care for their own teeth. The habits you establish with them early on can impact the way they view oral health throughout their lifetime. That’s why it’s also important to find a good dentist for your child as well. Here are the major benefits of children’s dentistry.

Preventing Cavities Now Can Prevent Cavities Later

The oral healthcare that your child receives now can impact them later in life as well. While your child’s baby teeth will eventually fall out, sustaining cavities and gum disease at an early age can cause negative effects later in life. Tooth decay at an early age can also impact structural development for your child’s teeth. Brushing twice per day and flossing regularly will drastically decrease your child’s risk for tooth decay and gingivitis. This can be key in stopping these issues from cropping up again and again later in life.

Comfort with the Dentist Can Impact Future Oral Health

A positive association and relationship with the dentist can serve your child for many years to come. Your child’s dentist is the professional in their life who can help to explain the value of oral health, proper brushing technique, and why avoiding cavities is so important. A good children’s dentist and a welcoming care environment can help your child feel comfortable and encouraged about their teeth. Bad early experiences with the dentist can lead to dental anxiety in the future, which makes it more difficult to schedule and attend appointments.

Children’s Dentistry Habits Have a Ripple Effect

The dental habits that your child establishes early can have a profound effect throughout their lifetime. If your child understands the importance of brushing their teeth, they will be more likely to continue this habit as they grow up and eventually move out of the house. Plus, you may be surprised what focusing on your child’s oral health does for your own oral health. If you’re making sure they brush twice per day and visit the dentist every six months, it can be easier for you to follow the same routine!

Find Quality Children’s Dental Care at Dreem Dentistry

Our staff at Dreem Dentistry know how important the care environment and quality of dental care can be for your child. We strive to create great first impressions and lifelong commitments to oral health for patients of all ages. To schedule an appointment for your child at Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS, contact our office at 913-681-5500.