Tooth pain is a difficult problem to ignore. Of course, ignoring it can be an unwise course of action, as the discomfort you ignore can be a sign that your tooth is in poor health and needs restorative dental work! Internal problems caused by physical trauma or advanced decay can lead to persistent discomfort, as well as problems like sensitivity or even swelling around the tooth. At our Leawood, KS dentist’s office, we can provide root canal therapy to stop an infection’s spread and protect you against further difficulties. After your root canal is completed, we can provide a custom dental crown to give your tooth lasting protection and necessary bite support.
The Link Between Dental Decay And Tooth Pain
If your tooth continues to hurt after a physical injury, you can connect that discomfort to your injury. However, you may find yourself in a situation where you simply are not sure why you have an issue with pain or sensitivity. If a persistent problem develops without an obvious cause, it can be a sign that you have a cavity, one that is starting to cause an uncomfortable tooth infection. This is a problem that will worsen without treatment. In addition to experiencing more discomfort, your tooth’s health can deteriorate to the point where it can no longer be saved.
What A Root Canal Procedure Does To Restore Your Oral Health
Through root canal treatment, we are able to restore a tooth’s health by dealing with bacteria and damaged tissues within the pulp. The pulp, the central chamber of a tooth, contains the living tissues that support it. By safely dealing with the infection within, we can stop problems from worsening, and then protect the pulp by sealing it. After this work is complete, your tooth can be restored with a custom dental crown. By performing this procedure, we can effectively put a stop to your ongoing oral health difficulties.
Keeping Your Tooth Safe After Treatment
Dental crowns provide more support than dental fillings, as they provide total coverage for a tooth above your gum line. When restoring your tooth, we will take care to closely measure it so that we provide a restoration that fits properly and comfortably. To prevent problems with your appearance, we can use an appearance-friendly porcelain material to design the crown.
Discuss Root Canal Therapy With Your Leawood, KS Dentist!
Root canal therapy will put a stop to problems with your tooth’s health by addressing health issues within. By resolving a threat posed by advanced decay or physical injury, we can make sure that you no longer have to worry about discomfort or further oral health issues. To find out more, please contact Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS at 913-681-5500.