Doctor doing dental treatment to his patient in clinic. Teeth inspection and repair conceptTaking care of your smile is a lifelong process, and it is never too early to start. Indeed, many people place a great emphasis on the importance of brushing their teeth but bear in mind that these are not the only structures that comprise your oral health. In fact, a well-rounded preventive routine takes a look at various components, including your teeth, gums, and other oral structures. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist explains how periodontal care is necessary for preventing issues such as gum disease, as well as how you can take steps to prioritize your tissues.

What is Gum Disease?

By now you may be aware of the impact that dental decay has on smiles. As a matter of fact, millions of people experience it in one form or another every year. Just because it is common, however, does not mean it is the only concern out there. For example, gum disease is also a common issue that affects millions, and it consists of a bacterial infection in your gum tissues.

Oral bacteria feed off of the foods and beverages that we consume. Thus, when particles become wedged between our teeth and gums, oral bacteria swarm to the sight to feed. This causes them to interact with the areas between tissues and structures, which then leads them to thrive in those areas.

Indeed, when a person experiences periodontal disease, what is occurring is the buildup or bacteria-laden plaque and tartar beneath the surface of the tissues and on top of the roots contained below. To learn more about other causes and how to seek help, contact our team today.

Why Flossing Matters

Foods become stuck in your teeth multiple times a day, and while sometimes they can manage to dislodged on their own, much of the time they need help. Fortunately, this is where flossing comes in to help.

The reason your dentist emphasizes the importance of flossing in addition to brushing is because this is the main defense from bacteria building up on your roots. When this happens, side effects can consist of a combination of the following symptoms: alarmingly loose teeth, inflammation, discoloration, and bleeding in the gums, separation of tissues from teeth, and even structures falling out on their own.

Benefits of a Deep Clean

In instances when plaque has already begun to develop but has not quite gotten out of hand yet, a periodontal cleaning can be of great assistance. This process involves removing these deposits carefully and thoroughly from your roots, then smoothing their surfaces to make future bacterial attachment more difficult.

Schedule Your Appointment

Don’t let your oral health suffer. Contact Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS by calling 913-681-5500 to schedule your next appointment with our team today.