If you notice that your smile has lost some of its youthful glow, it may be concerning. The good news is that most cases of teeth stains are relatively minor concerns that don’t significantly threaten your oral health. However, they can have a significant impact on your smile’s appearance, and the longer they remain, the greater than impact can be. Fortunately, you can take steps to keep your smile bright and stain-free longer and avoid the need for teeth-whitening or other cosmetic dental treatment.

Common causes of teeth stains

The reason why most common teeth stains aren’t usually a significant threat is the same reason why they can be largely unavoidable over time. Such stains often develop on the surfaces of your teeth, and occur from things such as an over-accumulation of staining molecules from your food and beverages over the years. Because they remain on the surfaces of your teeth, erasing common teeth stains with teeth-whitening is often simple and convenient. Also, you can take effective steps to slow the development of teeth stains and prolong your smile’s healthy, natural appearance.

Preventing more serious tooth discoloration

The common causes of stains on your teeth’s surfaces may not always be preventable, but there are some types of tooth discoloration that can be prevented. They can also indicate more serious concerns for your oral health if they develop. For example, a tooth may become internally discolored due to internal damage or the formation of severe tooth decay. Such conditions require more than cosmetic treatment to address, and your smile’s appearance is secondary to the health and integrity of your natural tooth structure. The good news is that most modern dental restorations, such as tooth fillings and dental crowns, are designed to closely mimic the healthy, natural appearance of your teeth, allowing them to improve your smile’s appearance while also restoring your healthy teeth.

When your teeth need brightening

When teeth stains do develop, it’s important to identify the specific cause as soon as possible. This takes a professional examination by your dentist to determine the nature of the stains or discoloration, and help you choose the most appropriate treatment plan to address it. If your teeth are stained on the surface, then professional teeth-whitening could help you brighten your smile quickly and with no changes to your natural tooth structure.

Learn how to avoid stained teeth

You might not be able to avoid teeth stains forever, but with a few pointers, you can keep your smile stain-free longer, and make brightening your smile easier if they do appear. To learn more, schedule an appointment with us by calling Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS, today at 913-681-5500. We also serve patients who live in Overland Park and all surrounding communities.