When you have a dental emergency, this could include cracked or chipped teeth, or even one knocked out completely. Our team wants you to know how to respond to these situations, and when to seek treatment at our office. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS, dentist talks about how we treat dental emergencies.
Common Examples of Dental Emergencies
What is a dental emergency? We refer to any injury or pain in your smile that isn’t life treating as a dental emergency. If one occurs that is severe and potentially life threatening, contact 911 or proceed to the nearest emergency room. Otherwise, give our office a call, even outside of normal business hours. We will reach out to you with a time to see us for treatment. The sooner we address the situation, the more likely you are to avoid complications like tooth decay or infection.
Easing Your Initial Discomfort
After you call us, you can take steps to help ease discomfort and prevent further pain in your smile until we can see you for treatment. For example, any bleeding can be stemmed with a bit of cloth or gauze. You could avoid facial swelling with an ice pack to the side of the face. If a tooth is damaged, try to recover any pieces and if possible, bring them to the office with you. If a tooth is knocked out completely, pick it up by the crown and never touch the root. Place it in a sealed container of milk or salt water, and bring it with you. If a crown or filling is damaged or missing, then avoid very hot or very cold foods and drinks, and steer clear of sugary foods and drinks, as the tooth will be very sensitive.
Repairing Your Teeth
Our team will be able to repair minor damage in one visit with a dental bonding procedure, but we also have custom crowns to address more substantial injuries to the teeth. Our team could also discuss custom mouthguards that can help limit the risk of injury if you play full contact sports or other activities that could damage or knock out a tooth. If you have any questions about how we approach dental emergencies, or if you would like to schedule a visit with our team, then contact our office today. We would love to help you start a new year with a strong and healthy smile, and we’re ready to take on dental emergencies of all kinds!
Do You Have Any Questions About Emergency Dentistry?
Our team wants to offer treatment to address damaged teeth and keep your smile strong. Call Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS by calling (913)681-5500 to learn more.