Leawood, KS, dentist offers dental fillings In our last blog, we discussed different options for cosmetic smile improvements. Options such as teeth whitening, or veneers can help boost your appearance and your confidence. However, these treatments do not correct functional problems that have occurred. If your pearly whites have been damaged, you may need restorative care to repair their health. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS, dentist is here to talk about dental fillings, which are used to repair your tooth after a cavity.

Reduce Your Chances Of Decay With Preventive Care

Although cavities are quite a common problem, you should do your best to prevent them when possible. A good oral hygiene routine, well balanced diet, and biannual dental checkups can help minimize your chances of tooth decay. Your at-home routine should include brushing and flossing at least twice a day, or after every meals if you are able to do so. This helps remove bacteria and food particles from the foods and beverages you consume throughout the day. Speaking of foods you consume throughout the day, try to minimize high-sugar snacks or highly acidic items, which can wear away your enamel. Remember to see your dentist twice a year for a professional cleaning and checkup, which can detect signs of decay and other problems early.

Cavities Can Cause Sensitivity

When you come in for your biannual checkup, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned and polished to remove plaque buildup and reduce the chances of a cavity forming. Your oral cavity will then be examined for any changes or signs of concern. Cavities can often form without you noticing for quite some time. If the area has become more sensitive or you have noticed a change in texture, this could be a sign of tooth decay. Your dentist may be able to spot this during your examination or through X-rays and will recommend that you come in for a dental filling as soon as possible. It’s important that this is not put off, as the decay can continue to worsen and become uncomfortable if left untreated for too long.

Tooth-Colored Fillings Can Restore Your Tooth

Dental fillings are a fairly straightforward and minimally invasive procedure. When you come in for this restoration, your dentist will examine the area and can numb the area for your comfort. The damaged part of your tooth will be removed gently using a drill, and the space left behind will be thoroughly cleaned. We will then add biocompatible composite resin to the space, which helps protect your tooth and retains its shape. After your filling, you may need to avoid eating and drinking for about thirty minutes. You can then return to your normal routine and your restoration should last for several years with proper care.

Ask Our Team About Restorations!

Filling a cavity can help protect your smile from more extensive damage. To schedule an appointment with our team, call Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS, today at (913)681-5500.