leawood dental implants

When you suffer from missing teeth, we can secure a replacement option that looks natural and can last for years to come. Dental implants can address a single missing tooth or correct total tooth loss! In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS, dentist talks a look at the benefits of treating tooth loss with implant dentistry.

The Implant Difference

Dental implants don’t rely on crowns, suction, or clasps to stay in place. Instead, a biocompatible titanium post that is similar to a screw in appearance is inserted into the jawbone. Once the placement area heals, or in the same visit in certain cases, an abutment is attached to the post that extends above your gum line. This provides structure for us to connect the restoration or a portion of a prosthetic. Since the posts stimulate the growth of jawbone structure, this prevents the gradual loss of mass and density that occurs following tooth loss. Your new prosthetic now has the potential to last for decades, possibly a lifetime, while traditional bridges and removable dentures need to be replaced every 5 to 10 years on average.

Individual Tooth Replacement

For an individual missing, we could insert a post and connect an abutment. Finally, we attach a restoration in the form of a dental crown. The crown is custom-made for material like ceramic, so it not only looks natural, but is color matched to blend with your smile. The material can also handle daily bite forces and pressures, so you can enjoy your favorite foods and smile with confidence, enjoying a new tooth that looks and functions like a natural one. If you have between two and four missing teeth in a row, then one to two dental implants could secure a bridge that lasts far longer than a traditional one, and this also prevents the loss of natural tooth structure on the teeth on each side of the gap.


What if you’ve lost most or all of your teeth? Then our team can gently extract the last few and take detailed digital images and x-rays, and measurements as well. We use these to plan the placement of your dental implant dentures. With the All-On-Four system, the entire process can be done in one day. We insert four specially placed posts in each arch, and then connect a steel bar to them. Next, we attach a denture so you leave with a full smile. You return later so we can replace the temporary with the finished product, a custom denture specially made for your smile.

Talk To Your Leawood, KS Dentist About Tooth Replacement  

Contact Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS by calling 913-681-5500 to learn more about treating tooth loss, whether you have one lost tooth or need a full set of fixed dentures.