leawood all-on-fourOur team understands the dangers of advanced tooth loss, and we want to offer a full and beautiful smile once again. Even if you’ve developed weakened jawbone structure, we could still secure a new smile without the need for grafting or sinus lifts. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS, dentist talks about our All-On-4 implant dentures.

The Impact of Adult Tooth Loss

Losing your teeth could mean major complications for your smile. The body takes note of your lost roots, and in response, suspends the flow of calcium and phosphates to the jaw. Without these nutrients, the bone tissue breaks down to cause fourth tooth loss and an aged appearance. You could also be limited in your meal options and find it difficult to speak clearly, impacting how you interact with people. All of these factors could lead to negative impacts on your quality of life. But we could help with All-On-4, which provides implant dentures in one visit.

Assessing Your Smile

First, we will take detailed digital x-rays and intraoral camera images of your smile. We want to assess the strength of your jawbone, and to choose the best angles and positions to insert your dental implants. Typically, weakened structure means you need grafting or sinus lifts to strengthen the smile and support your new teeth. But with All-On-4, our team can support a new denture with less structure, so you can enjoy a full smile without the need or oral surgery beforehand!

The All-On-4 System

Instead of using 4 to 6 posts per arch, we only use 4! These are specially placed to support a full denture and at the same time, encourage the growth of jaw structure to avoid the loss of strength in your smile. We insert these into the jaw and connect abutments to them, so we can secure your temporary denture. You leave with a full smile! You return at a future date to receive the final adventure, completing the process.

Your new implants can last for decades to come, possibly a lifetime, so you can smile with confidence, eat your favorite foods, and avoid the need to remove your denture for cleaning or soaking. Your new teeth will look and function like natural ones! If you have any questions or concerns about the All-On-4 process, or if you’re ready to tackle your tooth loss, then contact our team today to learn more.

Talk To Your Leawood, KS Dentist About All-On-4 Implant Prosthetic

Contact Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS by calling 913-681-5500 to learn more about securing a complete smile in only one visit! We want to help you avoid the negative impacts of untreated tooth loss, and keep your smile whole and beautiful for many years to come!