This week’s set of blogs took a detailed look at the benefits of restorative dental prosthetics and how they can address varying degrees of tooth loss. While nobody’s first choice is to lose one or more of their natural teeth, sometimes tooth loss is inevitable. Still, that does not mean you have to go around sporting a noticeable gap in your smile, and not addressing your gap can lead to serious difficulties when it comes to functional tasks. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist discusses the functional benefits of dental implants and implant-retained options, as well as explains how our team can help.
Looking at a Single Missing Tooth
From a young age, your family likely instilled upon you the importance of taking care of your smile. With the help of routine preventive care in the form of brushing your teeth, flossing between meals, and attending routine checkup appointments, you are able to lay a healthy foundation of care that will, ideally, lead to a healthy smile for life.
What you need to be aware of, however, is that bacteria-related issues only represent part of the equation. You see, tooth loss can occur as the result of more than just tooth decay, and dental emergencies can occur at any given time to any person to any degree. With this in mind, falling short on your routine and not attending routine visits can play to your smile’s detriment.
When presented with a single missing tooth, it can become tempting to just leave it be. Due to functional concerns, however, your dentist may recommend the help of dental implants. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.
Implant Bridges to Span a Gap
Your teeth roots play an important role in stabilizing your crowns and allowing them to absorb a necessary amount of bite pressure. When so much as a single tooth is missing, it can cause your bite to be thrown off.
When more than one tooth is missing, you can expect to experience functional complications, strain, and even tension. Fortunately, dental implants mimic the natural function of your teeth roots, allowing a prosthetic such as a dental bridge to not only complete your smile, but address your functional concerns. Contact our team to learn more.
Securing Your Dentures
Implant prosthetics can be used to address tooth loss of varying degrees, and your options do not stop at a single tooth or few adjacent structures. Implant-retained dentures aim to address questions of oral function while also providing the most in terms of comfort and lifelike results.
Learn More Today
To learn more about the major benefits of implant dentistry and how they can be used in conjunction with dental prostheses, contact Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS by calling 913-681-5500 to speak with our team and schedule your next visit with our office today.