Dental Crown icon. Simple illustration from dentistry collection. Monochrome Dental Crown icon for web design, templates and infographics.From a young age, we are taught about the importance of taking care of our smiles and that we must practice regular dental prevention in order to ensure a healthy, lifelong smile. Indeed, our grins could use all of the help they can get, as there are countless factors out there that pose a significant threat. These can range from the oral bacteria present in all mouths to the foods and beverages we consume and even to unexpected dental accidents and emergencies. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist discusses the benefits of dental crown technology and how restorative dentistry is needed to maintain healthy smiles.

A Need for Restorative Solutions

It goes without saying that dentistry in and of itself covers a wide range of practices and procedures. After all, it encompasses everything to do with your oral cavity and oral health, meaning the sky is the limit in terms of needs. Moreover, no two people experience the same exact issue with the same exact tooth, so having the flexibility to address concerns of varying degrees is a must.

As we mentioned, dental prevention is the number one method used to protect grins of all shapes and sizes. It consists of at-home care in the form of brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash, in addition to your routine checkups and cleanings. Even still, sometimes falling short in this routine leads to unexpected infections such as tooth decay, and acting sooner rather than later is key.

This is where restorative dental care comes in to help, as it aims to mitigate the spread of an infection, address any damage that has occurred, and overall set your structures up for a healthy recovery. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

They Offer Versatility

As we mentioned previously, dental concerns make their way can present in a variety of different ways. In order to address your needs precisely, our team must conduct an examination first. Though there are several different options out there to treat your needs, none are more versatile than that of dental crowns.

A dental crown consists of a hollow cap that is designed to fit precisely around your tooth. They offer versatility in that they can prevent an infection in a tooth from spreading to neighboring structures, keep the tooth protected, and provide structural reinforcement. Contact our team to learn more today.

A Lifelike Finish

In addition to the benefits mentioned previously, a dental crown can be created in such as manner so as to provide a lifelike finish. In other words, we utilize material that closely mimics the natural appearance of your teeth, even down to their shade, so that you can rest assured that your smile is both protected and consistent throughout.

Learn More Today

Contact Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS by calling 913-681-5500 to schedule your next appointment with our team and learn more about the many benefits of dental crown restorations.