Dentist curing a female patient in the stomatology. Early prevention and oral hygiene concept.For a number of individuals, a certain anxiety accompanies the idea of having to visit their dentist’s office. Whether the purpose of the visit is a restorative or cosmetic procedure, or even just a simple checkup, the fear of the visit can be enough to cause one to cancel or not show up. Indeed, dental anxiety is a very real phenomenon that affects a number of people annually, causing a sort of push away from proper dental care as your dental visit – a major part of a standard care regimen – is no longer being fulfilled. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist will address dental anxiety and describe a few ways our office can help by utilizing sedation dentistry.

A Relaxed State of Mind

Reasons that individuals may experience a nervousness or inability to sit still for their procedure can vary in scope and severity. Regardless of the purpose, however, it can cause the act of receiving proper treatment to become more of a chore than it has to be. What’s more, it can cause individuals to reason against attending visits in the first place, thus putting your oral health at a disadvantage. In order to combat this, our office offers types of sedation to help calm the nerves and give you some peace of mind during your treatment. Depending on your anxiety level or need for calming solutions, we can provide three different types of sedation to help ease the nervousness and allow you to complete your visit with our team. For more information about this process, contact our team today.

Easing Dental Anxiety

We want our patients to feel as relaxed and comfortable with their procedure as possible, and at times, that can require the use of sedation dentistry to accomplish. We offer three main forms of sedation, including an oral medication. Nitrous oxide, or IV. Nitrous oxide is one of the most commonly recommended forms, and is applied via a mask that is placed over the mouth and nose. While it may be the mildest form of sedation, it is certainly potent enough to help alleviate many forms of anxiety, providing a calmer, more relaxed process. What’s more, the effects wear off as soon as the gas has been turned off, meaning that you can safely drive yourself home after your procedure. Other forms of treatment include the administration of a serum through an IV – the deepest form of sedation – or a medication that you take before your procedure. For more information, contact our team today.

A More Enjoyable Visit

We recognize that treatment can seem daunting or even frightening at times, warranting a certain fear or anxiety of attending your visit. Fortunately, that is where our team is here to help. Contact Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS by calling 913-681-5500 to learn more about your options for a comfortable, more enjoyable visit.