Woman with gum inflammation, closeupAttending routine preventive dental visits for some is not as simple as it is for others. In fact, fear or anxiety can often set in, causing patients to skip their regular visits. When this occurs, your risk for disease, infection, and more increase drastically, as you do not have a trained professional consistently monitoring the health of your smile. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist will look at the dangers of skipping your dental visit and why it may warrant extra periodontal care.

The Fight Against Periodontal Disease

One of the most common dental concerns there are is periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. Affecting nearly three million people in the United States a year, this phenomenon consists of harmful bacteria that have nested beneath the gum line, attacking your normally protected tooth roots. If left untreated, these bacteria can cause a buildup of plaque or tartar that would require specialized treatment to remove, ultimately resulting in inflamed or sensitive tissues, separation between teeth and the tissues that house them, and even tooth loss.

While it may be a common concern, it can oftentimes be prevented or detected early on with routine preventive treatment at your dentist’s office. Unfortunately, many individuals do not act on their need until it is too late, as they do not recognize when it is time to come in. As one of the major measures you can take to prevent this from occurring, you dentist may recommend attending a deep perio cleaning.

A Deeper Clean

A deep clean, also known as scaling and root planing, consists of addressing the buildup of harmful bacteria beneath the surface of your gums. The procedure is a bit more extensive than traditional restorative treatments, as it requires your dentist carefully but thoroughly clean beneath the surface of your gums in order to remove deposits of harmful bacteria that have nested on the roots of your tooth. Your dentist will carefully do so utilizing a process known as scaling, where the roots of your structures will be carefully assessed and cleaned to remove plaque and tartar buildup. Following this step, we will carefully smooth or polish the roots in order to prevent bacteria from latching on easily and, hopefully, prevent infection. For more information on this process, contact our team today.

Don’t Skip Flossing

Periodontal cleaning is not the only method for preventing gum disease, and in fact, you can take steps on your own at home such as flossing regularly. Flossing helps to remove lodged food particles that may be stuck between teeth, preventing harmful bacteria from becoming attracted to your gums in the first place. While brushing helps to remove plaque from teeth, brushing alone will not suffice when it comes to preserving your oral health, which means you should never skip flossing.

Learn More Today

While it is a common phenomenon, don’t let your oral health falter due to periodontal concerns. Contact Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS by calling 913-681-5500 to learn more today.