A lot can go through your mind when you find out that your tooth needs to be extracted. One of those thoughts may be confusion, considering the goal of your dental treatment is usually to help you preserve your healthy, natural teeth. However, tooth extraction isn’t something your dentist takes lightly, and in most cases, it’s only recommended because the healthy, natural tooth structure can’t be saved. Today, we examine what it means when your tooth should be extracted, and what role the extraction should play in your overall smile restoration.

Why tooth extraction is sometimes recommended

Tooth extraction can sometimes seem like the easiest solution to a complex oral health problem. For instance, if your tooth is severely damaged or decayed, then it might seem simpler to just extract the tooth than to restore and save it. However, this isn’t always true, and if a tooth can be saved, then doing so is the preferable option for your long-term oral health. If tooth extraction is recommended, it means the tooth is too compromised for a custom restoration to effectively resolve the problem. It also means the tooth is too compromised to perform its functions or support your bite, which means it will remain a problem and continue to get worse until you address it.

Why prompt treatment matters to your smile

Because tooth extraction is the last resort to saving your smile from a severely compromised tooth, it means that waiting much longer to extract the tooth can leave your oral health at significantly higher risks. Many of the causes behind tooth extraction, including severe damage or decay of its structure, can continue to pose threats to the rest of your teeth and oral tissues the longer the tooth in question remains in place. Extracting the tooth as soon as possible lowers your risks of such occurrences, and also makes way for your dentist to fully restore your smile sooner.

What you can do to restore your smile

The fact that tooth extraction involves removing your tooth is a hint at how serious the condition is if it calls for extracting the tooth. Dealing with tooth loss is also why your dentist only recommends tooth extraction if absolutely necessary. Once the procedure is complete, your dentist might suggest restoring your smile and bite function by replacing the extracted tooth as soon as possible. A highly lifelike restoration, such as one that’s supported on a dental implant post, can restore nearly all of your extracted tooth’s functions to improve the long-term state of your oral health.

Learn if your tooth should be extracted

If your tooth needs to be extracted, then learn why you shouldn’t hesitate to undergo treatment. To learn more, schedule an appointment with us by calling Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS, today at 913-681-5500. We also serve patients who live in Overland Park and all surrounding communities.