We all want to have a beautiful smile, one in which all our teeth are clean and showing. Some of us, though, may have gaps. These gaps, while sometimes not aesthetically pleasing, can also affect your oral health. If you have a missing tooth, or if you are having difficulty chewing because one is missing, then your Leawood, KS, dentist can treat this issue with dental bridges.

Defining The Dental Bridge

A false tooth is called a pontic, and this is what a dental bridge is. Teeth on either side of a gap hold it in place. There are four types of them.

  • Traditional — This is the most popular and is used when there are natural teeth on either side of the gap. It is held in place by these adjacent teeth.
  • Cantilever — While similar to the traditional kind, this type has a dental crown that is bonded only to one natural tooth.
  • Maryland — This one functions with two natural teeth, each on the side of a gap. However, this type uses either a metal or porcelain framework that bonds to the back of the teeth.
  • Implant-supported — Instead of crowns or frameworks, this type uses dental implants to hold the bridge in place. This treatment usually requires two visits for the procedure. 

How The Procedure Is Done

When you and your Leawood, KS, dentist have decided that a dental bridge is right for you, the process for it begins. It starts with preparing the abutment (adjacent) teeth by recontouring them so that crowns can be placed on them. Impressions will be taken and be used as the model for dental lab technicians when they make the bridge, crowns, and pontic. You will be fitted for a temporary bridge until your next visit. It will be removed during the second visit and replaced with the new, custom-designed bridge and bonded into place. Follow-up visits may be needed to ensure it is functioning properly with your bite. 

What Is It Like Having Them?

Missing teeth can make it hard to chew food or to speak properly. However, dental bridges can help with that. As you get used to them, we recommend that you eat softer foods. With proper care, they can last up to 15 years. Preventative measures, such as twice-daily brushing, nightly flossing, and regular dental checkups and cleanings can help keep them, and all your teeth, in good oral health. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.  

Contact Us To Learn More

A dental bridge will help you restore your smile’s appearance and maintain good oral health. To learn more, schedule an appointment with us by calling Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS, today at 913-681-5500. We also serve patients who live in Overland Park and all surrounding communities.