leawood invisalignWhen you have an uneven smile, the risk of malocclusion and major complications will increase with time. But our team can protect you from these issues with our clear aligners. Using systems like Invisalign® and SureSmile, your Leawood, KS, dentist can offer an even smile with practically invisible treatment!

The Causes and Dangers of Dental Misalignment

We could develop misalignment due to the premature loss of baby teeth in childhood, or the loss of our permanent teeth in adulthood, as the surrounding teeth will drift from position due to the gaps in the smile. Losing baby teeth early also alters how the permanent teeth erupt to create misalignment. Uneven teeth could also be due to issues with the growth of the jaw, or even thumb sucking in childhood. Without treatment, this leads to complications caused by malocclusion, such as TMJ disorder, bruxism (teeth grinding), and a higher risk of tooth decay and gum disease. By treating your misalignment, you enjoy better oral health. Our team can correct your smile with a cosmetic approach using clear plastic aligners instead of metal braces.

Invisalign® and SureSmile

Both Invisalign® and SureSmile involve correcting smiles with aligners created based on detailed digital images and measurements taken of your smile. You receive a series of cosmetic orthodontics, with each aligner set being worn for 20 to 22 hours a day over a period of about two weeks. At which point you begin wearing the next set in the series. With Invisalign® and SureSmile, the total treatment time could take about a year. In comparison, most treatments involving braces require at least two years of treatment before you see optimal results.

The Benefits

The orthodontics used are easy to clean and use, and they’re clear in appearance, so you don’t have to feel self-conscious about your appearance. They fit comfortably and help you avoid cheek and gum irritation too. You need fever office visits, and as mentioned, the total treatment time is much shorter than the time required for braces. They’re also removable! Which means you can take them out before meals, or before you brush and floss, so no need to avoid certain foods or to worry about working around metal braces when you clean your teeth. If you have any questions about our clear aligners, then contact our team today to learn more and start the treatment process.

Talk To Your Leawood, KS Dentist About Cosmetic Orthodontics

We would like to help you enjoy an even and beautiful smile with comfortable and barely visible plastic aligners. If you want to learn more about correcting your uneven smile with a cosmetic approach in a shorter time frame, then contact Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS by calling 913-681-5500.