Macro photo of dental tools: drill and needle for treating root canals and pulpitis in a dentist's hand in a pink glove. Patient wearing sunglassesIn our most recent blog post, we take a look at the beginning stages of dental decay, how it influences your oral health, and what your treatment options look like. Though it may not be the only complication to befall your smile, dental decay is among the most common issues out there. What’s more? It will only continue to get worse if you leave it untreated, and addressing these issues in the earlier stages is much more straightforward. In today’s blog, your Leawood, KS dentist is going to expound upon what happens when decay is permitted to spread, and how this process influences your oral health and functional capabilities.

Restoring Your Smile’s Health

It goes without saying that most people share a goal of maintaining a healthy smile for life. What many do not account for, however, is just how large of an impact various activities practices or lack thereof, and more have on your oral health. For example, certain foods and beverages consumed can promote rapid production of bacterial acid. Another example might include a person’s use of tobacco products and the health of their teeth.

With these and several other potential threats to your smile in mind, it is no wonder your dentist encourages consistent preventive dental care. You see, dental prevention is the process of attending your routine dental appointments, flossing and brushing at home, and any other additional treatment that aims to strengthen your existing level of protection.

While prevention is essential, it is important to note that your smile is in consistent danger, and falling short in your routine will only exacerbate things. As such, restorative dental care is an important option to keep in mind. For more information about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

Addressing Functional Complications

In order to restore your smile’s health, restorative care may be needed to help mitigate the spread of infection. For example, tooth decay will begin to affect your health by targeting your tooth’s structure. Once it forms a cavity, however, it has essentially created a tunnel into the sensitive inner workings of your teeth.

Within your teeth roots, several important nerves are housed. What’s more? Dental decay spreads from the outside of a structure inwards, meaning you will soon face the effects of discomfort, sensitivity, and even significant pain. Not only this, but this process causes routine tasks such as biting or chewing to become more difficult or impossible to perform.

Recovery Time and Practices

When your teeth roots become infected, the likely only option to help salvage your smile and prevent further damage is a root canal procedure. This process involves clearing the inner tooth of infection and filling the hollow canals with dental material to reinforce strength and support.

Learn More Today

To learn more about the dangers of spreading decay and the need to act sooner, contact Dreem Dentistry in Leawood, KS by calling 913-681-5500 and set up your next appointment with our team.